I'm aNOTHER product description ABOUT CHEESES. as i sad, Banjoo can supply anything YOU LIK! chees is one of those things, so ORdeR CHEESE!!! this one is a particular SOFRT CHEECE, REALLY DElicious with the blue moulD INIT. Any amount ok, weve got some out of date stuff on sPECIAL OFFR, but cheese is alredy MENT to be MOULDY, so its a bargiN !!!!
I'm aNOTHER CHeesy product
SKU: 0011
£19.99 Regular Price
£16.29Sale Price
Why this was in the bin i just dont kno!!!! Those crazt dudes at WAIT@@@E even chuck out unripe FRUIT LIKE ROCK HARD MANGOES BY THE BIN LINER FULL BECOS theyre out of DATE??????
THIS CHEESE IS REALLY TasteY!!! AND still (JUST) in date!!!!
and as i said before its alredy ment to be MOULDY!!!
soRRY, THIS cheese is ment to be mouldy.